Nothing Can Separate You From The Love Of God

"Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"-Romans 8:39
spread the gospel, wear your gear

About Us

What We Believe
Everyone has the right to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to be in a relationship with Him. In John 3:16 We learn that God so loved the world (the ENTIRE world), that He gave us His one and only son (for everyone, no exception’s)! It’s not our place to pick and choose who gets the gospel! Every single person is deserving! The Jesus Loves You Project exists to remind the world that, Jesus Loves You! He loves you as much today as He did the day He gave His life on a cross. Beyond that, we want to connect lost souls to a bible believing church body with great leadership where people can be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and begin being discipled into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Vision

To have a growing family of over one million BOLD Jesus followers united together in love and truth. Regardless of race, religion, church denomination, economic status or anything else the world uses to divide us. Our Jesus loves you family will be committed to wearing the gear publicly and often for the glory of our Lord Jesus.

The Mission

Boldly spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. To light up darkness in the world with the love and truth of Jesus. To put Jesus on the hearts,minds and lips of our children. To be very clear and precise in a world of mass confusion. To build partnerships with local churches, organizations, businesses and individuals.

The Jesus Loves You Family Needs You!

1) We do community mission trips…we gather together where we live boldly wearing our gear to sow seeds (Jesus loves you bracelets) of love. Why? Hearts and souls of the lost our touched. Opportunities to pray with hurting individuals and lead them to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ happen. A gentle reminder of truth and love is placed on the wrists of people living in this hurting world. Who knows what Jesus will do through that simple reminder at night behind closed doors. Churches grow as folks come back to church after a time away or come to church with us for the very first time. As people witness our boldness, they join the project and the Jesus loves you family grows in unity in strength and in number. Our reach for Jesus increases.

2) We wear our gear and join hands with those in our community who are feeding the hungry, visiting hospitals, or prisons, caring for widows and orphans, or doing anything else that speaks love. Why? The Jesus loves you Family wants to create unity while pointing people to Jesus. Pretty simple.

3) We put up signage on private land across from public schools. Why? As God is pushed further out of our school systems we want to remind the children daily that Jesus loves them. Our signs maybe the only Jesus these children receive. We will partner with local organizations that have a heart for both children and Jesus. These organizations will lead children and parents into true relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

4) We will write Jesus loves you on beaches we live by or vacation to? Why? This ministry was birthed on the beaches of myrtle beach, simply by writing Jesus loves you in the sand. People come to beaches from all over the world. So the beach is a vast mission field. We’ve witnessed first hand so many people taking pictures and selfies. Then posting them on social media. We’ve heard testimonies of how impactful seeing Jesus loves you in the sand was for them in the moment. Sand writing is a tremendous way to sow seed for the kingdom!

5) We will hold annual conferences. Why? To show gratitude to God for all He has done in and through the Jesus loves you family. To ask God for clarity and vision in the lives of The Jesus loves you family for the year ahead. Join the movement!

The Good News

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son (to die on the cross) so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”-John 3:16


Help us continue to do what we do!


Get our gear! We suggest a minimum $20 donation per clothing item to cover the cost of materials and shipping. Your support allows us to continue this outreach!

Please, help us reach our goal to give away ONE MILLION hats, hoodies and t-shirts.



Get outside of your building walls! Let us help your congregation get outside of their comfort zone and into the mission field (your community)! We believe everyone is called to the great commission and therefore it should be all-inclusive. Moms, children, disabled, elderly, families, sinners and saints, somebody’s, nobody’s and everybody in between can spread the gospel in this unique way. No one is excluded from serving! There is no faster way to spread the love of Christ than by creating new connections in your community, sharing the gospel, praying with people, and then connecting them to a body of likeminded believers where they can be discipled into a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus. Please fill out the below form or give us a call to get started. The time is now. The workers are few and the harvest is plentiful. Let’s Goooooo.